PocketLib 1.5: Redesigned library, publishers & more

The next update for PocketLib is now available, with a new design of the library, publishers in the Store and some general bug fixes and improvements.


We redesigned the library page, which now shows the five last read books on the front.

The new library page

If you have more than five books in your library, there is an alphabetical list of all your books, where you can also search your books by title.


The Store now has support for publishers! Standard Ebooks, which is currently the only publisher on PocketLib, is the source for almost all the books in the Store. In the future, we will bring more publishers to the Store.

Publisher page

You can also see the publisher on the book page.

Book page with publisher

Reading view

We made some small adjustments to the reading page. The text is now spread horizontally to use all available width, which makes the reading more comfortable.

Reading view with justified text

We also fixed some bugs with the reading view and improved the layout specifically for Standard Ebooks. If you notice an issue with the layout, please let me know.

That's all for this rather small update. As always, you can get the latest version in the Settings of the app.


»Literature doesn’t exactly have a strong mental-health track record.«
— Lemony Snicket