PocketLib 1.7: Printed books

PocketLib 1.7: Printed books

Today we release a special update for our users living in Germany, which let's you order printed books to your home!

German books in the PocketLib Store

The PocketLib Store was updated to list all officially available books in Germany.

The start page of the PocketLib Store displaying German books

Of course, you can also search for your favourite books and authors. Additionally, the search page displays your latest search queries and recently visited books.

The new search page

When you select a book, you will see the new book detail page, where you get all information. Here, you can also order the book.

The updated book detail page

Additionally, we updated the pages for authors and publishers to include the author bio and a link to the publishers' website.

The updated pages for authors and publishers

PocketLib Pro

PocketLib has now the first benefit for dav Pro subscribers: Free shipping for ordered books! This means, you can save yourself the cost of shipping for 10 € per month. The shipping cost is currently 2,50 € for any book.

I hope you like this update and will order loads of books! If you have any feedback, feel free to let us know.

David ✌️

»When trouble strikes, head to the library. You will either be able to solve the problem, or simply have something to read as the world crashes down around you.«
— Lemony Snicket