UniversalSoundboard Version 1.7: Sound order and sounds with multiple categories

UniversalSoundboard receives a rather big update with some design improvements and some important new features.
The right panel with the Playing Sounds now features acrylic background. Also, most of the app now implements Fluent Design.
The dark mode is now a bit ligher, using dark gray as the background color instead of plain black.
Below is a comparison between v1.6 and v1.7. I'm not a designer, but I think the new design looks very nice!

Sounds with multiple categories
You can now assign sounds to multiple categories! This is a rather big change, but it makes entirely sense and I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier.
When you change the categories of a sound, you can select all categories the sound should belong to. It looks like this:

Sounds and categories: A new order
It's now possible to change the order of sounds. You can sort your sounds by name, creation date or create a custom order.

You can also change the order of categories:

That's it for this update. We will start working on updates for the other apps as well, so stay tuned!